Introducing Myself

Hi.  Welcome to my blog! If you have found your way to my site, chances are you’re a little down. Chances are you may have heard of introverts and extroverts as well. From what I can tell introverts internalize things. They keep to themselves. They generally are not the life of the party. Extroverts, on the other hand, wear their hearts on their sleeve. They generally say whatever is on their mind. You know right away if they are happy, sad, or anxious. In a nutshell introverts are the thinkers, and extroverts are the talkers. I know it’s not that cut and dry, but more about that later.

Have you ever kept something bottled up for so long that you explode? And it possibly doesn’t go very well to say the least? If so, keep reading.

Basically, I have had a few personal set backs to say the least. I have made it through two car accidents, and the Behavioral Medicine Unit at a local hospital. (although, not in that order)

I have gathered several sources of inspiration that help keep me on track, and would like to share them with you.

I have found that extroverts have lots of friends. They already know how to talk to everyone. There are exceptions to every rule, but stick with me.

I found that everyone has what I call a spilling over effect. Extroverts vent or spill over on a regular basis. Introverts are more likely to bottle up things until things explode or get completely out of control. So, you can understand why depression might come easily. It often seems as though people want to talk to you and help you in any way that they can. The tricky part is that introverts often don’t make friends easily.

OK. Maybe I was rambling a little. However, if any of that made sense, you are more than welcome to read my blog.

To be clear my blog is for more than just introverts. Everyone is invited to come along for the ride. It’s just that it seems as though introverts are faced with extra difficulty.

Best of luck,
